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The future of work and human-computer-interaction

essays on human centered artificial intelligence and technology management in organizations
Author: Search for this author Hesselbarth, Yorck, 1988- (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Yorck Hesselbarth
Year: 2022
Publisher: Berlin, ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin
Media group: eBook/eResource
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Barcode: Locations: OPUS Status: Online


Given the advances in technological capabilities, a major aspect of current debates is the way in which technology shapes the future of work, including the role which humans may take in future collaborative settings. Notwithstanding the resulting work simplification, it is reasonable to expect that a considerable amount of future work will continue to depend on some sort of human intellectual capacity, requiring humans and technology to interact. Therefore, this dissertation engages with relevant aspects of human-computer interaction and emphasizes selected individual-level cognitive, behavioral, and affective responses towards technology use. The first manuscript provides a synthesized overview and develops a framework for understanding the shifting landscape of how technology is used to collaborate in organizations and how i.e., technology helps to address environmental complexity. The second manuscript theoretically develops and empirically tests individual-level attributions towards artificial intelligence and their effect on behavioral consequences. The third manuscript elaborates on the strength of artificial intelligence and humans in the idea generation process, suggesting a human-AI-co-creation model. This dissertation concludes with a synthesis and discussion of the research findings, managerial consequences, limitations and implications for future research.


Author: Search for this author Hesselbarth, Yorck, 1988- (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Yorck Hesselbarth
Year: 2022
Publisher: Berlin, ESCP Europe Wirtschaftshochschule Berlin
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Description: VII, 54 Seiten, Illustrationen
Tags: Human-Computer Interaction, Sociotechnical Systems, Future of Work, Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Decision Making, Organizational Transformation, Mensch-Maschine-Schnittstelle, HCI, Mensch-Computer-Interaktion, Soziotechnisches System, Zukunft der Arbeit, AI, KI, Künstliche Intelligenz, Erweiterte Entscheidungsfindung, Organisatorische Transformation
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Language: eng
Media group: eBook/eResource