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Cover von Markenerfolg durch Brand Communities
eine Analyse der Wirkung psychologischer Variablen auf ökonomische Erfolgsindikatoren
Author: Popp, Bastian Search for this author
Year: 2011
Publisher: Wiesbaden, Gabler
Series: Gabler Research
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Bewerberauswahl und Einstellungsgespräch
Leitfaden für die Praxis aus psychologischer und arbeitsrechtlicher Sicht
Author: Böhm, Wolfgang; Poppelreuter, Stefan Search for this author
Year: 2009
Publisher: Berlin, Erich Schmidt
Series: Arbeitsrecht in der betrieblichen Praxis
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Nr. 40.; Careers in the Auditing Business
a static and dynamic perspective on the psychological contract in the up-or-out system
Author: Festing, Marion, 1970-; Müller, Bernadette; Yussefi, Sassan Search for this author
Year: 2008
ESCP-EAP Working Paper
Volume: Nr. 40.
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Employment Contracts and Well-being among European Workers
Search for this author
Year: 2005
Publisher: Aldershot ; Burlington, Ashgate
Series: Contemporary Employment Relations Series
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Jenseits der "Ich AG"
der neue psychologische Vertrag der Führungskräfte in deutschen Unternehmen
Author: Marr, Rainer; Fliaster, Alexander Search for this author
Year: 2003
Publisher: München ; Mering, Hampp
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Arbeitnehmerpräferenzen für einen internationalen Mitarbeitereinsatz
eine Conjoint-Analyse
Author: Warneke, Doris Search for this author
Year: 2011
Publisher: München ; Mering, Hampp
Series: Organisationsökonomie humaner Dienstleistungen
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Managing Expatriates
a return on investment approach
Author: McNulty, Yvonne; Inkson, Kerr Search for this author
Year: 2013
Publisher: New York, Business Expert Press
Series: The Human Resource Management and Organizational Behavior Collection
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Managing the Multi-Generational Workforce
from the GI generation to the millennials
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Year: 2011
Publisher: Farnham [u.a.], Gower
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von I-Deals
idiosyncratic deals employees bargain for themselves
Author: Rousseau, Denise M. Search for this author
Year: 2005
Publisher: Armonk, NY [u.a.] , Sharpe
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von The Employment Relationship
examining psychological and contextual perspectives
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Year: 2007
Publisher: New York ; Oxford, Oxford University Press
Media group: Book/Buch