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Cover von Kooperation von Controllerbereich und Innenrevision
Messung, Auswirkungen, Determinanten
Author: Birl, Holger Search for this author
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wiesbaden, Deutscher Univ.-Verl.
Series: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Die Gestaltung der Budgetkontrolle
Bestandsaufnahme, Determinanten und Erfolgswirkungen
Author: Künkele, Julia Search for this author
Year: 2007
Publisher: Wiesbaden, Deutscher Univ.-Verl.
Series: Gabler Edition Wissenschaft
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Issues in Management Accounting
Search for this author
Year: 2007
Publisher: Harlow [u.a.], Prentice Hall
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Controlling
ein Instrument zur ergebnisorientierten Unternehmenssteuerung und langfristigen Existenzsicherung ; Leitfaden für die Controllingpraxis und Unternehmensberatung
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Year: 2006
Publisher: Berlin, Erich Schmidt
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Insider Ownership, Shareholder Structures and Corporate Governance
Author: Moldenhauer, Benjamin Search for this author
Year: 2007
Publisher: Sternenfels ; Berlin, Verl. Wissenschaft und Praxis
Series: Entrepreneurial and Financial Studies
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Business Valuation and Taxes
procedure, law, and perspective
Author: Laro, David; Pratt, Shannon P. Search for this author
Year: 2005
Publisher: Hoboken, NJ, Wiley
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Key Management Ratios
the clearest guide to the critical numbers that drive your business
Author: Walsh, Ciaran Search for this author
Year: 2006
Publisher: Harlow [u.a.], Financial Times Prentice Hall
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Value Based Management
the corporate response to the shareholder revolution
Author: Martin, John D.; Petty, John William Search for this author
Year: 2000
Publisher: Boston, Mass., Harvard Business School Press
Series: Financial Management Association Survey and Synthesis Series
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von EVA® and Value-Based Management
a practical guide to implementation
Author: Young, Saul David; O'Byrne, Stephen F. Search for this author
Year: 2001
Publisher: New York [u.a.], McGraw-Hill
Media group: Book/Buch
Cover von Compensation
Author: Milkovich, George T.; Newman, Jerry M. Search for this author
Year: 2005
Publisher: Boston, Mass. [u.a.], McGraw-Hill Irwin
Media group: Book/Buch