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The Serendipity Mindset

the art and science of creating good luck
Author: Search for this author Busch, Christian (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Dr. Christian Busch
Year: 2020
Publisher: [London], Penguin Life
Media group: Book/Buch
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Barcode: 01151220 Locations: 7 BUS Status: borrowed


"Good luck isn't just chance, it can be learned and leveraged, and The Serendipity Mindset explains how to use serendipity to make life better at work, at home-everywhere. Most of us think that the important decisions and events in our lives happen by chance, that they're out of our control. Often we think that successful people-and successful companies and organizations-are simply luckier than the rest of us. Good fortune-serendipity-just seems to happen to them. But is that true? Are some people naturally luckier than others? Or are they better at creating the conditions for coincidence to arise and taking advantage of them when they do? How can we connect the dots of seemingly random events to improve our lives? In The Serendipity Mindset, Christian Busch explains that serendipity isn't about luck in the sense of randomness. It's about seeing what others don't, combining these observations in unexpected and strategic ways, and learning how to detect the moments when apparently random or unconnected ideas merge to form new opportunities. Busch explores serendipity from a rational and scientific perspective and argues that there are identifiable approaches we can use to improve the conditions to let serendipity grow in our lives. The Serendipity Mindset offers a clear, engaging blueprint for how individuals, families, communities, and businesses can cultivate serendipity to increase innovation and influence. Drawing from the latest research in biology, chemistry, physics, management, and information systems, and using examples of people from all walks of life, Busch illustrates how serendipity works, in the process explaining how each of us can train our own serendipity muscle to use this powerful force in our own lives. Once we understand how serendipity works, Busch says, we become curators of it and luck is no longer something that just happens to us-it becomes a force that we can grasp, shape, and hone"


Author: Search for this author Busch, Christian (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Dr. Christian Busch
Year: 2020
Publisher: [London], Penguin Life
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Classification: Search for this systematic 7
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ISBN: 978-0-241-40209-2
Description: 376 Seiten, Illustrationen
Tags: Serendipity, Fortune, Success, Happiness, Lebenszufriedenhei, Serendipität, Erfolg, Glück, Luck, Satisfaction, Life satisfaction
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Language: eng
Media group: Book/Buch