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Nr. 30.; Are Subsidiary Roles a Matter of Perception?

a review of the literature and avenues for future research
Author: Search for this author Schmid, Stefan, 1967-; Daniel, Andrea
Statement of Responsibility: Stefan, 1967- Schmid ; Andrea Daniel
Year: 2007
Volume: Nr. 30.
Media group: Book/Buch


Barcode: 01054729 Locations: 2.0.1 ESC Status: available
Barcode: 01054736 Locations: 2.0.1 ESC Status: available


Author: Search for this author Schmid, Stefan, 1967-; Daniel, Andrea
Statement of Responsibility: Stefan, 1967- Schmid ; Andrea Daniel
Year: 2007
Volume: Nr. 30.
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Classification: Search for this systematic 2.0.1
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Description: 30 Bl. : Tab. u. graph. Darst.
Tags: Foreign Subsidiary, Network, Multinational Enterprise, Auslandsniederlassung, Ausländische Tochtergesellschaft, Netzwerke, Multinational Enterprises, MNEs, Transnational Corporation, Multinationales Unternehmen
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Language: englisch
Media group: Book/Buch