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Essentials of strategic management

effective formulation and execution of strategy in the era of sustainability
Author: Search for this author Wunder, Thomas (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Thomas Wunder
Year: 2023
Publisher: Stuttgart, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag
Media group: eBook/eResource
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Barcode: 01156367 Locations: 1 user licence Status: Online


Written in English, this practice-oriented textbook covers all stages of the strategy process. Besides strategic analysis, strategy formulation, and business model innovation, the true challenges of strategic management will also be explained in detail: strategy execution and transformation.The context of strategy is currently experiencing radical changes in the world economy, planetary health, and socio-political foundations. In the era of sustainability, corporate leaders need to rethink their strategic management approach to effectively deal with these new and disruptive market situations. Sustainable strategizing is considered essential for future-proofing today's enterprises, transforming markets, and leading the way toward a sustainable future for both business and society. As a response to these developments, this updated and expanded edition continues to present the essentials of contemporary strategic management, but it also identifies, explores, and integrates ecological and social sustainability considerations to a great extent. As a result, key concepts of sustainable strategizing from mindsets, impact, materiality, and purpose to business cases, sustainable business models, regeneration, and transformation have been embedded and enhanced in the entire book. Other advancements are in the areas of dynamic capabilities, organizational ambidexterity, open strategy, the business ecosystem perspective, and strategic control.- Including a wealth of real-life strategy practice examples and strategic snapshots- Including a hands-on "strategy workout", exercises and review questions for students- Including teaching aids for lecturersIn summary, students and practitioners will find many insights that will assist them in adding value to their organizations and society during the turbulent years ahead. Biographische Informationen Thomas WunderProf. Dr. Thomas Wunder is full Professor of Strategic Management at the Neu-Ulm University of Applied Sciences in Bavaria, Germany. He has been teaching strategy at globally recognized universities in Germany, France, Switzerland, and the USA. His research, lecturing and consulting activities are focused on the integration of business strategy with ecological and social sustainability and the corresponding transformation processes. Previously, he spent more than a decade of his career as a strategy consultant and business leader in both the EU and USA. He received his doctorate in the field of Strategic Management from the European Business School (EBS) in Germany.


Author: Search for this author Wunder, Thomas (author)
Statement of Responsibility: Thomas Wunder
Year: 2023
Publisher: Stuttgart, Schäffer-Poeschel Verlag
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ISBN: 978-3-7910-5770-5
ISBN (2nd): 978-3-7910-5768-2
Description: 2nd, updated and expanded edition, 1 Online-Ressource (619 Seiten), Illustrationen
Tags: Economic Transition, Strategic Management, Sustainability, Systemtransformation, Nachhaltigkeit, Strategisches Management, Corporate strategy
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Language: eng
Media group: eBook/eResource