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Cutting-edge business technologies in the big data era

Proceedings of the 18th SICB “Sustainability and Cutting-Edge Business Technologies"
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Verfasserangabe: Saad G. Yaseen editor
Jahr: [2023]
Verlag: Cham, Springer
Mediengruppe: eBook/eResource
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Barcode: 01156387 Standorte: 1 user licence Status: Online


This book:
- Offers an understanding of cutting-edge business technologies and advances in big data analytics capabilities
- Explains the value and usage of cutting-edge business technologies in the industry and Business
- Covers the results of the 18th Scientific Annual International Conference for Business SICB
This book highlights applied artificial intelligence techniques, tools, and systems to drive strategic advantages, improve operational efficiency, and create added value. The focus is very much on practical applications and how to maximize the value of these technologies. They are being applied across businesses to enhance innovation, improve performance, increase profit, support critical thinking, and ultimately create customer-added value.
Whether you are a researcher, manager, or decision-maker, this book provides valuable insights to help you harness the power of AI and big data analytics in your organization. This book attempts to provide answers to the most important questions: Quo Vadis applied artificial intelligence?
Quo Vadis cutting-edge business technologies?


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: Saad G. Yaseen editor
Jahr: [2023]
Verlag: Cham, Springer
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ISBN: 978-3-031-42463-2
2. ISBN: 978-3-031-42465-6
Beschreibung: 1 Online-Ressourcen (x, 358 Seiten), Illustrationen
Schlagwörter: Big Data, Data Engineering, Computational Intelligence, Engineering, Data Processing, Mass Data, Massendaten, Ingenieurwesen, Datenverarbeitung, EDV
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Yaseen, Saad G. (Herausgeber)
Sprache: eng
Mediengruppe: eBook/eResource