New Arrivals
Cover von Strategic response to turbulence von Klimczak, Karol Marek, 1980-
Cover von Strategy and business models in the digital age von Guy Parmentier
Cover von Populism and financial markets von Claudio Schütz
Cover von Diversitäts- und Organisationsforschung von Funder, Maria, 1956-
Cover von Das gespaltene Indien von Mody, Ashoka, 1956-
Cover von Elgar encyclopedia of cross-cultural management von Audra I. Mockaitis
Cover von Geopolitics and business von Čedomir Nestorović
Cover von The hidden curriculum von Rachel Gable
Cover von Geopolitical uncertainty and international business von Andreosso-O'Callaghan, Bernadette, 1959-
Cover von The Helsinki internationalization process model von Piekkari, Rebecca, 1967-
Cover von Framing the economy of the future von Niels Faber
Cover von Research handbook on the sociology of gender von Gayle Kaufman
Cover von Research handbook on academic labour markets von Glenda Strachan
Cover von A research agenda for digital transformation von John Qi Dong
Cover von Marketing in web 3.0 von Simon Kingsnorth