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Incentives and performance

governance of research organizations
Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh Editors
Jahr: [2015]
Verlag: Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York, [New York] ; Dordrecht ; London, Springer
Mediengruppe: eBook/eResource
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This book contributes to the currentydiscussionyin society, politics and higher educationyonyinnovation capacity and the financial and non-financial incentives for researchers.yThe expert contributions in the book deal withyimplementation of incentive systems at higher education institutions in order to foster innovation. On the other hand, theybook also discussesythe extent to whichygovernance structures from economy can be transferred to universities and how scientific performance can be measured and evaluated. This bookyis essential forydecision-makersyin knowledge-intensive organizations and higher-educational institutionsydealing with the topic of performance management.


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: Isabell M. Welpe, Jutta Wollersheim, Stefanie Ringelhan, Margit Osterloh Editors
Jahr: [2015]
Verlag: Cham ; Heidelberg ; New York, [New York] ; Dordrecht ; London, Springer
Suche nach dieser Systematik
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ISBN: 978-3-319-09785-5
2. ISBN: 978-3-319-09784-8
Beschreibung: xxv, 488 Seiten, Illustrationen
Schlagwörter: Leadership, Governance, Research, Research Institute, Incentive Scheme, Innovation Management, Management, Performance Management, Personalführung, Leistungsanreiz, Anreizsystem, Forschung, Innovationsmanagement, Innovationsstrategie, PM, Unternehmensleitung, Unternehmensführung
Sprache: eng
Mediengruppe: eBook/eResource