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Research methodology

best practices for rigorous, credible, and impactful research
Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Aguinis, Herman, 1966- (Verfasser)
Verfasserangabe: Herman Aguinis
Jahr: [2025]
Verlag: Thousand Oaks, [California] ; [u.a.], Sage
Mediengruppe: Book/Buch
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Barcode: 01156341 Standorte: 9 AGU Status: Entliehen/On Loan


Research Methodology: Best Practices for Rigorous, Credible, and Impactful Research takes a 360-degree view of understanding and doing research, helping readers become expert researchers, reviewers, and consumers of research. Renowned author, journal editor, and researcher Herman Aguinis distills the vast body of work on methodological best practices into a singular experience. Each of the 16 chapters thoroughly explains a different aspect of methodology step by step, from choosing useful and compelling research topics to reporting results accurately and credibly. Researchers at all career stages will find this text helpful to structure and conduct high-impact empirical research aimed at producing a thesis, dissertation, or journal publication. Research consumers will find instruction on how to evaluate the rigor and credibility of research conducted by others. Instructors will find the book’s modular approach refreshing by assigning students the most relevant topics—from checklists of best practices to an in-depth treatment of a methodology. Filled with “how-to’s” and “dos and don’ts”, figures, hands-on exercises, and “Methods in Practice” boxes that summarize and apply best practices, this book is a must-have for anyone interested in producing or reading research.


Verfasser: Suche nach diesem Verfasser Aguinis, Herman, 1966- (Verfasser)
Verfasserangabe: Herman Aguinis
Jahr: [2025]
Verlag: Thousand Oaks, [California] ; [u.a.], Sage
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik 9
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-0718-7194-2
Beschreibung: xxxiii, 582 Seiten, Illustrationen
Schlagwörter: Social Research, Methodology, Research Methods, Sozialforschung, Empirische Sozialforschung, Wissenschaftliche Methode, Scientific Method, Methodologie, Methodenlehre, Forschungsmethode
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Sprache: eng
Mediengruppe: Book/Buch