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The Helsinki internationalization process model

foundations and future
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Verfasserangabe: edited by Rebecca Piekkari, Catherine Welch
Jahr: [2024]
Verlag: Cheltenham, Northampton, [Massachusetts], Edward Elgar Publishing
Mediengruppe: Book/Buch
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Barcode: 01156372 Standorte: 2.0.2 HEL / New Arrivals Status: Entliehen/On Loan


This timely book introduces Reijo Luostarinen's Helsinki Model of firm internationalization processes to a new audience. As one of the neglected treasures of the field of International Business (IB), the Helsinki Model has remained largely inaccessible to a global readership - until now. The book features Luostarinen's original PhD thesis, and commentaries that explore and extend his work. Contributors illustrate the enduring applicability and the future potential of the Helsinki Model. They engage with Luostarinen's legacy to re-energize research on the internationalization processes of the firm, a cornerstone of the IB field. Students of IB, organization studies and management theory will benefit from the original ideas and in-depth analysis provided in this book. It is also a useful resource for established scholars, particularly members of the European International Business Academy and the Academy of International Business


Suche nach diesem Verfasser
Verfasserangabe: edited by Rebecca Piekkari, Catherine Welch
Jahr: [2024]
Verlag: Cheltenham, Northampton, [Massachusetts], Edward Elgar Publishing
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Systematik: Suche nach dieser Systematik 2.0.2
Suche nach diesem Interessenskreis
ISBN: 978-1-0353-3203-8
2. ISBN: 978-1-0353-3204-5
Beschreibung: xii, 307 Seiten, Illustrationen
Schlagwörter: Firm Internationalization, Helsinki Model, Behavioural Theory, International Business, Globalization, Multinational Enterprise, Theory, International Market Entry, Internationale Geschäftsbeziehungen, Auslandsgeschäfte, Globalisierung, Multinational Enterprises, MNEs, Multinationales Unternehmen, Theorie, Theoretisches Modell, Internationaler Markteintritt
Beteiligte Personen: Suche nach dieser Beteiligten Person Piekkari, Rebecca, 1967- (Herausgeber); Welch, Catherine, 1971- (Herausgeber)
Sprache: eng
Mediengruppe: Book/Buch